Heidelberger Geschichtsverein e.V.


Max Moritz Jarecki

*24 September 1889 Posen

†17. Juni 1975 Neptune/New Jersey (begraben in Asbury Park/New Jersey)

Dermatologe, RadIologe

Vater: Jacob Jarecki

Mutter: Luise Turk

Bruder: Richard Jarecki

1.Ehefrau: Gertrude Dittmer

2. Ehefrau: Gerda Kunstmann (1909-2005) https://www.geni.com/people/Gerda-Kunstmann/6000000001712754641

Tochter: Elizabeth Marie Sczygiel (Hass) (1937-1992)

Sohn: Henry George Jarecki (Heinrich Georg Jarecki, *15. April 1933 in Stettin; Psychiater, Unternehmer, Filmproduzent)

Sohn: Dr. Richard W. Jarecki, Arzt

studiert Medizin an der Universität Heidelberg

1935: Stettin

1938: Emigration nach USA

>Max-Jarecki-Straße (Heidelberg, Bahnstadt)

>Max Jarecki Award (New York, USA)


„The SkyLabs building was constructed by the non-profit Max Jarecki Heidelberg Foundation. Max Jarecki studied medicine at the University of Heidelberg’s medical faculty in the early 20th Century. He practiced dermatology and radiology. The family retained a strong connection to Heidelberg with subsequent generations of the family studying here and participating in the life of the city. The family foundation made a significant investment for the construction of SkyLabs, in an effort to regenerate a deprived area of the city. The foundation is managed independently, with a professional management team. The board of the foundation is advised by Dr Henry G. Jarecki, entrepreneur, philanthropist and friend of Heidelberg over many decades.“ https://www.heidelberg.de/hd,Len/930781.html?nodeID=8139804&zmdetail=1



http://www.geni.com/people/Max-Jarecki/6000000001712754606 (Genealogie)